Friday Fictioneers: Building Beanstalks

Friday Fictiuoneers

Hey Hey, it’s Jilly Funnell  Sugar on the Bee, photo prompt time here at Friday Fictioneers, you’ve picked a photo in Portsmouth I think, which will obviously give me home advantage as it’s in my country and I’ve never seen the tower aside from on the telly. Watch out flash fiction fans. I literally have no idea, this time so give me a few minutes.

Thanks to Mrs T, we have an idea, see what you think:

It’s a blend, an unrequited non love story.

Rapunzel had inherited an inordinate amount of money from Mother Gothel after she passed when the tower collapsed due to subsidence.

She tried adjusting to “Civvy Street” but grew increasingly anxious and developed trichotillomania, agoraphobia and a longing for her lofty “pied a terre” where she could gaze out to the horizon.

She employed Jack Spriggins architects, pioneers of a modular tubular construction  based on the structural axes of a vascular plant, typically very tall and very contemporary.

She liked Jack but could not help feeling that with his sky scraping monolithic modernist structures he may be compensating for something.

And it’s 100 words!! On the nose again, not one wasted!


  1. Funny! You had me giggling at subsidence,(lucky Rapunzel survived the fall!) and the last sentence brought a guffaw. Makes me wonder how the witch in Hansel and Gretel’s wood, would rebuild, if she were to come into some insurance proceeds?😊

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