Friday Fictioneers: Open for no Business

Well this is amazing, the dream team once more; the wonderful Rochelle for keeping us pumped during this time of no Pubs being open and the incomparable Dale Rogerson for reminding us of what we are missing with this photo. The last 2 weeks I have had no time to read many stories in the FF’s and for that I apologise, this week will be different, I’m fed up with Ghana and will make an effort to detach myself from the rivers and roads of Accra or Accra-vation as I call it, no offence.

So without further ado, i’ll crack on.

On My Marks…

Get Set…


Waiting. But how long, he’d lost count, he couldn’t count, he was a dog.

He reasoned that his owner would be back soon. With every scratch of a branch on the window, he leapt up, poised, alert, scrutinising the door.

Every time the Goldfish saw the dog leap up, she swam and tumbled cartwheels of delight, as if she’d never seen it happen before.

Me? I sit on the piano, purring, the guy that feeds me has just ventured out to the supermarket for supplies, there’s a queue, has been for months now.

But no-one will come, they never do.

100 words on the nose, a tale of woe for restauranteurs and pub owners everywhere. Hoping for a vaccine.



  1. Yep… The cats outside this restaurant must wonder what the hell is going on… They are used to being fed by various staff members. I, for one, am not counting on returning to work there…
    Time to put myself back on the market!

    Incomparable… oh you!


  2. Well, what a surprise: Seeing you this early in the process, and not having a new take on a fairy tale 🙂 Although, I have to say, your little scenario is a bit–uh–Grimm.

    Bad pun. Sorry 🙂

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  3. My one cat only eats one kind of food. We got down to a week left before finding some that the retailer hadn’t jacked the price up to fortune level. There are a lot of confused beings of all kinds right now. I hope the-one-who-feeds returns soon.

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  4. Some pets are: “FINALLY you understood I need you here all day!” while others are “Sheesh! When are you going to go back to wherever it is you used to disappear to for most of every day, and give me some SPACE here!” 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have to tell you when you said “no pubs” i thought you meant there were no publications, which would be bad for writers and I thought omg even that is gone! Before I realized my mistake. 😊.

    Great primer on dog psychology. But leave it to a cynical cat to get it right.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This sounds like a persnickety cat that wants attention all the time. It’s cute how you took this into a cat’s world. I really did enjoy “Kitty’s” point of view! Good Job!


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