Friday Fictioneers: Massive Twat

Its January, its cold and American Democracy no longer exists, I predict the rise of the right wing and escalation of violence to minorities, but in Clifton the winter is still here and going forward I predict an escalation in Sheep breeding, such is the nature of the soil.

 Goodness me Rochelle what a horrible day, and what an awful situation on Capitol Hill. Thank God we have the Friday fictioneers to make sense of this mindlessness and idiocy. And thanks to Jan Wayne Fields for providing such an organised photo in an era of chaos. Thinking caps on, lets go…

On My Marks…

Get Set…


The Fool in the suit checked his hair, all good. He knotted and straightened his red tie, looking in the mirror.

“You’re a Tiger, Ggrrrrr”

The pen-tidy on the desk, not just for pens, but other stuff, paperclips, sticky notes, he had labelled “Things” just in case he forgot what else he could put there.

They knew he was out of his depth and was so close to eternal golf, Christ they couldn’t wait.

Raising his arms he started to speak…

“MAGA, MAGA, MAGA”, the red, white and blue automatons sung as they caressed their weapons; guns loaded in their holsters.

There you go, 100 words on the state of the idiots at Capitol Hill today and the massive idiot depot that manipulates them via Social Media, he’s a lot to answer for, God help us all.


  1. Never did I think I would see those images in my lifetime. Can only hope this is the nadir and that he, and his supporters, dwindle away now that everyone can see them clearly for what they are.

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  2. I didn’t play this week so when Rochelle told me you had done a good ‘un, I had to come and see.
    This is a very powerful piece, Shrawls. I don’t know how the US can recover. And like Sandra said, when the US (I refuse to use America) sneezes, Canada catches a cold, too.

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