Friday Fictioneers: Dreams and Chocolate

Ive woken up screaming recently because I haven’t been diligent regarding the Friday Fictioneers. I haven’t kept to the once a week, I’ve cherry picked, I haven’t read many other folks stories and the Spring hasn’t sprung here in Clifton, which is definitely not my fault. So thank you to Rochelle for being a constant for the last 4 years for me (I just hadn’t stumbled across this 5 years ago). A 100 word story about a photo, a simple idea but a terrifically tricky action to do well. Let’s see how it goes today. Thanks to Jennifer Pendergast for her picture, lets see what a dip in the hot tub and a couple of IPA’s brings forth…

On My Marks…

Get Set…


Dreams and Chocolate, dreams of chocolate, chocolate dreams.

An open colouring book by the fire.

“It might help” they said, “Take your mind off”

I tried, but am not a fucking child.

I was once, but my colour was callously and ceremoniously removed when I was around 7 or 6; that type of detail is hard to remember, others I can’t forget.

He lives in a pretty small cell now, not allowed out much and people shout Nonce. He reads a lot, he’s doing a degree.

My bedsit is filthy, I’ve no job and I can go wherever I want.

But I don’t.

Don’t know where that came from, a reflection on abuse and where both parties stand. 100 words on the nose. Enjoy


  1. Because of my years as a therapist in my counseling office, this one was difficult to read. Even when the pedo is securely imprisoned, he still lives in the victim’s mind and memory. This gave me the chills.


  2. I read this a few times before figuring out what was going on. I have been thinking about what/who true evil is, and it is actions that, once done, continue to haunt one’s soul long after the agent is gone. I’ve seen karma at work many times, but even seeing karma take what it will, the black pit remains. Very powerful writing, Shrawl.

    Now don’t you forget about Rochelle and the rest of us again!


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