Friday Fictioneers: Wee-location

Friday Fictioneers

Well, Rochelle, today it is you who is the “Hostess with the Mostest” and you provide the Photograph too; some may be forgiven for assuming you’ve got a monopoly over this brilliant band of scribblers!

Its a good one, I’d say either Cotswolds, Yorkshire or Derbyshire if I had to guess, but i’ll leave it at that and get my thinking cap on. This one is a sleeper.

Here you go. I think the structure uses stone similar to buildings I see in the Stroud Valleys, it’s part of the Cotswolds really and there lies the thread!

Wee Willie Winkie, relocated to Nailsworth because of his reputation as the town soak; wildly shambling through the streets in his piss stained pyjamas, banging on doors and telling all and sundry it was 8pm; mostly it wasn’t. 

The Free Trade town had patience for afternoon drinkers; people who didn’t get up until lunch were “Characters” and skipping through town in a silky kimono wasn’t  unusual.

His new Arcadian Valley base was more suited to his erratic behaviours, walking past school at drop off to the off licence, he would wave to the parents, smoking weed in Tiger print Onesies

Thats that then, 100 words exactly, I enjoyed that, eventually. I find myself fretting on Wednesday after checking out the picture, so far it seems to have come together!

Enjoy and thanks again Rochelle!

Disclaimer: Nailsworth is allegedly not at all like this…



  1. I’m in shock here – firstly I couldn’t believe there was a town called Nailsworth in the Cotswolds; it sounds more suited to the Black Country or industrial parts of Yorkshire. Worse still, the revelation of why Willie Winkie has his “wee” prefix – it’s nothing to do with his height or the size of his (best not specified) – it turns out he has a problem with bladder control. I’ll never dip my toes at Bourton-on-the- Water again.

    P.S. do you have his address? I’ll send him a voucher code for Tena Men.

    This was a very entertaining take on the prompt by the way.

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  2. You’ve done a fantastic job bringing Wee Willie Winkie back to life and I second the idea of sending him a pack of Tena Men. I couldn’t quite remember the poem and found the full version in the original Scottish and a translation here: Although it’s difficult to understand, I really love the original Scottish version and I feel the parents’ pain. Our son slept through quite well from 6 weeks to 8 months but then learned how to crawl and was crawling up and down his cot like the kid in this poem half possessed. We have a pair of year old working dogs and one of them has the same kind of temperament and can’t stop bring us fragments of stick and tennis balls and when you nab her and get her up on your lap, develops this crazed look of a jailed maniac. Love her to bits though in quite a literal sense perhaps.
    Best wishes,

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  3. Loved the re-telling, and especially that you included Nailsworth. It sounds like Totnes, only less extreme. And I love the costumes you gave him. You’re right that it looks like a Cotswold building.

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  4. Dear Shrawley,

    I agree with Dale. You are a nutter and therein lies your charm. 😀 I don’t think I can unsee Wee Willie Winkie in his tiger striped onesie. You always make me laugh. Keep up the silliness.



    PS I snapped the photo in Council Grove, Kansas. 😉

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