Friday Fictioneers: Rainbow Worrier.

Morning all and most of all morning to the Superliterature Lady, La Femme De Flash Fiction; Rochelle. Thanks for holing us all together when all around falls apart, or is delayed or altered or talked about, I’m referring of course to the Brexit shambles we have going on in the UK at the moment, its almost like we’re the laughing stock of the entire world, but our politicians seem not to notice.

Thanks also to Fatima Fakir Deria, if only to see her fabulous home page on her blog, I can not get enough of that photo! Superlative indeed. Today’s photo screams sadness out to me, and having slept on it, all be it really badly; strange bed, dog in strange surroundings without bed because he was sick in the car on the way down, etc, etc. We will see what turns out! So without further ado…

On My Marks…

Get Set…



Rocco’s name, hard as nails, and ubercool, betrayed his circumstances, as he sat in the monochrome at the polished dining room table, unable to sleep.

Everything he loathed set out before him; Tupperware for his packed lunch at the toilet paper factory as a salesman; telesales, in a blocked market. His faux leather satchel, A4 sheet of today’s leads . The gathered net curtains; I mean, think of the dust.

This wasn’t how it was meant to be thought Rocco as he approached the table with tepid coffee in his Dad’s Taxi mug, the colourful pills laid in a rainbow pattern.

Ta-Da!! finished, slightly sad today and 100 words on the nose.




  1. Whao! How does toilet paper salesman approach customers? I expect a visit to a restaurant chain, you could point out you have the perfect finish to their signature dish.
    An interest take of deep depression, the empty Tupperware indicates that he is not going to work tomorrow!
    Just rambling, sorry.


  2. I think Brexit and the US version of King Joffrey are neck and neck as laughingstocks of the world. I hope he reconsiders on the pills and takes a nice walk in the park instead….


  3. Dear Shrawley,

    A toilet paper salesman? If that isn’t a statement I don’t know what is. How sad that the pills are the only color in this scene. Well written. It’s nice to know you’re not a one-trick pony. 😉



    PS I thought we were the world’s laughing stock in the US.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ah modern-day job satisfaction at its finest. Hopefully, he lays off the pills. I like the new direction you’re taking. And those gathered curtains – the dust is a nightmare! 🙂


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