FOTD: Common Borage


Calling Dr S, Calling Dr S. 

Its a little beauty this one, not sure how Common it is because it’s the first i’ve seen.



    • Borago officinalis
      The Borage plant is an annual with an exquisite, bright blue and star-like flowers which are edible.The Borage flowers have very prominent black anthers that grow from its center. It grows to about 1 to 3 feet tall with multiple branches, hollow stems, and large, gray-green, oval, pointed leaves that are hairy.
      The Borage herb was once known as the “herb of courage.” The beautiful dainty blue Borage flowers were embroidered by ladies on the jerkins of knights about to embark on a crusade and used to flavor wine for soldiers preparing for battle.
      The Borage plant is native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean region, where it thrives in rich soil and full sun. The Borage herb has long been cultivated in herb gardens. It has become naturalized in much of Europe and England and continues to be cultivated worldwide.


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